Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Back to School

Note: I wrote this post last week when I actually started school. Andi is a great friend, who had became family, who decided that she'd had enough of cancer and is spending her days in Heaven.

Dear Andi,

It’s hard to believe that it’s the first day of school, and that your baby, B starts kindergarten today. Time is passing much too quickly. D-boo, well she’s a 3rd grader. How did that happen? I remember sitting in my house in Midland stitching her baby bibs, just weeks before her early arrival. It seems more like yesterday instead of 7 years ago.

I missed your pictures on Facebook this morning of those sweet smiling faces. Don’t get me wrong, Chris is doing a great job, but pictures of firsts, well that’s certainly more a mommy thing than a daddy thing. He sure loves those kids, and that’s all that really matters in the grand scheme of things anyway.

I dread tomorrow equally. You won’t be there tomorrow night to send me a text and ask me how I like my professors and what I think of the classes I’ve chosen for this semester. You won’t be there to discuss the diving birds and the other weirdness that a college campus offers. I won’t get to tell you how inadequate and old I feel surrounded by 20 year olds. And you won’t be there to remind me that I am old, yet sarcastic, which is way more important anyway.

I know that you would be less than enthused over my sentimental streak today, but I know this semester, like the rest will fly by. I’ll be so swamped with papers, accounting problems, and exams that December will be here before I know it. I’ll look up and this semester will be over. And at the same time, an entire year will have passed since you went home. The world has kept spinning, even though there have been days where I wished it wouldn’t.

I could use a dose of your snark. And in 3 weeks, when Brad will spend his first entire weekend at the lease since November of last year, well, I could really use a night of texting and scary movie watching to get me through it. And there’s a birthday in there to celebrate, and a new blog, which I know you would be excited about too.

I’m only slightly jealous that you get to enjoy the fall weather from Heaven. I can imagine the golden and red leaves, the cooler temperatures, and that fall smell of Friday night football games and gin dust, because what’s West Texas in the fall without gin dust.  Not much is the same without your delightful laugh and sweet smile.

Missing you always.

Much love,



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