Friday, October 4, 2013

A Day In the Life Of......

A couple of weeks ago you got to follow me through my super exciting life on the days that I go to school and pretend to be a college student. This week, well I've got something special planned for you.

That's right, this week, you can follow me around the other 3 days. I know you've been waiting for this.

7am - my alarm goes off. I roll over and hit the snooze button and think "Is there any reason that I have to go to work today?" Oh yeah. The paycheck. I'm kinda fond of those.

7:15am - jump out of bed, run to the back door and let the dogs out. (Who let the dogs out? Who? Who?)

7:30 - hair and makeup. The magic happens here people. I'm turned into someone less pale and freckled into a goddess.

7:45 - head to work

7:46 - curse traffic

8:00 - arrive at work. Turn on the computer, pick up the faxes off the fax machine, put my lunch in the fridge and begin going through the paperwork from the day before.

8:03 - curse idiot part timer

8:10 - log into Facebook

8:30 - my boss shows up. Usually with a McDonald's bag and a cup of coffee.

8:40 - find something else on the internet to do, because it is way to early to start on homework.

10:30 - decide that I've procrastinated long enough and start on homework.

12:15 - hope that no one will show up while I'm attempting to fix my lunch.

12:30 - I'll take a bite, and the phone will ring or someone will walk in the door. Never fails.

5pm - the angels sing. The heavens rejoice. There is peace on Earth. Because after I have done about 30 minutes of actual work, I'm going home

5:10 - curse traffic

5:30 - arrive home. Love the puppies. Wish I had a maid that cooked and cleaned.

5:40 - realize that dinner isn't going to microwave itself

6:30 - eat whatever awesome creation I have prepared

7pm - procrastinate

7:30 - If I want to go to bed at a semi decent hour, I should start homework.

10-4am - go to bed.

Repeat all over again tomorrow. Awesome, right?

So now that you know how super, awesome my life is, I'm sure you want to know what the requirements are so that you can trade with me. Here you go. In no particular order:
- must maintain a 4.0
- must be an awesome cook
- must be rich

What?!? No takers?

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