Monday, September 9, 2013

Why I love Jesus....and Duck Dynasty

I’ll admit, when my husband started watching Duck Dynasty I was less than thrilled. Seriously? Another hunting show? Give a girl a break. Then I watched an episode with him. And then another, and another and...well you get the point. I’ve seen them all. Heck, I own a calendar and a water bottle with Duck Dynasty on it and quite possibly a t-shirt...or two. They are sarcastic, they are funny, they have great family values, and they still believe in putting God first. I don’t know too many other TV shows that put God anywhere.

So while I was listening to Amanda Carroll on KLove one morning, she was talking about how Uncle Si was doing a voice in an upcoming Veggie Tales movie. I love Veggie Tales. I own a ton of the movies and have no children to watch them, but my husband and I love them. They are funny, they are clean, and they provide great lessons and insights for children…and let’s face it, most adults too.

So as I was listening to the story and Googling (we are like BFF's. get used to it), I was hit right between the eyes with Si’s response to his part in the new Veggie based movie. He enjoyed it – because he could tell people how much he loved Jesus.

He could tell people how much he loved Jesus.

There wasn’t money involved. There wasn’t how this is going to be great for his career. There wasn’t how this will help Duck Dynasty reach a new audience. It was just about telling people about Jesus.

That’s so incredibly selfless. He didn’t want anything out of it, other than to tell people how much he loved Jesus.

What kind of world would we live in if we didn’t want anything out of it?

How different would things be if you went to work because you loved it and the paycheck was just a bonus? How different would your marriage be if you didn’t demand anything from your spouse? You just loved them and supported them without being mad that they didn’t unload the dishwasher? What about your kids? What if you didn’t expect your 9 year old to be perfect and do all his chores based on when you wanted them done? What if you did everything because you wanted to tell everyone how much you loved it? Can you imagine that co-worker not coming to work and complaining about his girlfriend but instead praising her for making dinner last night? Or can you imagine telling your kids how much you appreciate the help that they do offer when they do their chores instead of complaining that they forgot to take out the trash again? Can you imagine how your spouse and kids would begin to treat you when you treated them like you would want to be treated?

It sorta goes back to that golden rule thing. Remember it?

Si is the narrator in a movie simply because he wanted to tell people how much he loved Jesus.

So, my challenge for today is to not complain to anyone about anything. I’m going to work and I’m not going to come home and complain about how much my co-workers got on my nerves, or how much I hated studying. I’m going to remember that I only get out what I put in. I’m going to remember to do something today, simply because I want them to see Jesus in me.

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