Friday, September 27, 2013

25 Random Facts About Me

      1.       Ketchup is it’s own food group. There isn’t much I don’t eat without ketchup.

2.       I wanted to be a farmer when I grew up. I still wouldn’t complain if that happened.

3.       I hate shopping. I only go out of absolute necessity.

4.       I taught myself to sew 18 months ago. I can also cross stitch and crochet.

5.       I love taking pictures. Love. Yet I hate scrapbooking.

6.       I love to cook. I think it would be fun to own a bakery or restaurant.

7.       I can read a book and watch a movie at the same time, and tell you what is happening in both.

8.       My favorite color is blue. Most everything I own is pink and has lace or ruffles.

9.       When I am really stressed out, I like to clean. I’m talking about taking a toothbrush to the grout lines and moving the furniture and washing everything. I can decompress and work through whatever is bothering me by the time I’m done.

10.   I love tulips. And Orchids.

11.   Right now I should be studying for an accounting exam.

12.   Part of me still finds it hard to believe that I’m just a few semesters away from a college degree. It’s very surreal.

13.   I have 3 dogs. In a perfect world where I had billions of dollars and more space, I’d probably have a whole lot more. I’ve never not had a dog, and I can’t imagine that will ever change.

14.   I love to decorate for holidays. Valentine’s Day, St. Patrick’s Day, Easter, 4th of July, Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas. I even have decorations for Memorial Day, Labor Day, and Graduation!

15.   I’ve always wanted to be able to paint. I see these amazing things and would love to be able to recreate them.  

16.   I don’t watch much TV. But with the exception of Army Wives, Little Couple, and Food Network, everything I do watch involves murder.

17.   I miss my grandparents. I’d like to have just a day to spend with them and catch up. I know it wouldn’t be enough time, but I’d like to know what they think of where I am in my life now.

18.   I would love to be outgoing. I’m an introvert. I’m a crazy, scary introvert. I’m not so bad when you get to know me…except that I second guess everything and over analyze everything.

19.   I wanted to go back to college and every time I have tons of homework I hate it and want to quit.

20.   I don’t mind being the oldest student in most of my classes.

21.   I’m not a morning person. Even if I went to bed early enough to get 12 hours of sleep to get up at 5 am, I’d still hate it.

22.   I’ve never, ever, ever had a pedicure.

23.   I like plants. Especially indoor plants. I hope the house we buy has tons of natural light so I can have an indoor tree.

24.   I love to read. Love. From the end of the Spring semester until the Fall semester began, I read 64 books. I re-read every book by Carol Higgins Clark, The Hunger Games Trilogy, and 50 Shades of Gray. As well as ton of new books.

25.   I have a love/hate relationship with my job. I love that it’s slow enough that I can get homework done while I’m here. But during breaks, I hate it, because I can think of all the things at home that I’ve neglected while school has been going on that I could be doing instead. I’ll be glad to finish my degree and move on with the next chapter of my career.

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