Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Official List Kickoff - Part of My Birthday Random Act of Kindness- Giveaway - EXPIRED

Saturday is my birthday. I'll be turning 34 and my "bucket list" for my 30ies will officially kick off. And I figured what better way to kick off the official launch of the blog, the list, and my birthday than with a random act of kindness.

So as I've pondered what to do, I've came up with a brilliant solution. I'll let my readers be the recipients of some random acts of kindness.

I'm giving away 2 gift cards. Two. Dos. 1+1=2

The first is a $15 gift card to Best Buy.

The second. Well, this is the best one. You get to choose. I know some people don't do the whole "online" shopping thing (weirdo's) so you can choose between Amazon or Target.

If that irritates you, I'll give you my mom's email address. It's her fault. I was going with Amazon. But no...she's never bought anything from Amazon. She wouldn't know what to buy. So it's her fault. But the good news is if you hate Target you can go with Amazon, and if you hate both, then just hold on to one for Christmas and give it to someone for a gift.

So here's the official rules:

Using the form below, answer the question. Then for additional entries you can follow 40 Little Moments on Facebook and on Twitter. You can answer the question each day for additional entries. But you can only follow me on Facebook and Twitter once. Take that up with them. It wasn't my idea.

The giveaway will close at 12:00am on Sunday Sept. 22, and the winner will be announced on Monday.

Any questions?


Get on your mark.

Get set.

Go!!!!!  Good luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

1 comment:

  1. Hi, I couldn't find where to type in the answer to the question. When I hit enter it acted as though I answered. Strange... LOL
