Friday, September 13, 2013

A Day in the Life.....

You know how you look at someone else’s life and think that their life is just super freaking awesome, and you’d totally like to trade.

Here’s a chance to follow me through a typical Tuesday and Thursday (at least from now until December). Fasten your seat belts, adjust your tray tables in the upright position and prepare for takeoff…or possibly a nap.
8am – the alarm or the dog wakes me up. Just depends on which one gets to me first. Just for the record, I prefer the alarm. Less slobber.
8:02 – stumble with one eye open to the back door and let the dogs out. (Who let the dogs out, who, who?)

8:03 – crawl back into bed and wait for the snooze button to kick me out. I’m not a morning person.

8:10 – off to the shower I go. Hi ho. Hi. Ho
8:25 – find something remotely cute, comfy, and preferably that fits to wear. Since I’ll be sitting in class rooms and tables most of the day, comfort is a priority, cute is a bonus. Fitting is a must. Don’t want to show off too much cleavage or hold my pants up (a year of chronic diseases = bonus weight loss)
8:30 – hair and makeup. This is where the magic happens. I don’t just roll out of bed and look gorgeous.

8:45 – out the door. Head to class, enjoy the fact that traffic is certainly less crazy at this point than taking an 8am class. Eat breakfast on the drive. I’m not a get out of bed and eat kinda person. I have to warm up to the fact that I’m (a) awake and (b) hungry. Days I go to school, I eat whether I’m hungry or not. Days I go to work…I take breakfast and eat when I’m hungry.

9am – Intermediate Accounting part 1 with a snarky, sarcastic professor. She’s awesome. I love her teaching style. This class is kinda the middle of the road accounting. You get a review of the basic principles, and then you learn about these specific situations. It's awesome. Although so much if this class is what I do at work every day….except on a computer. Thank goodness.
11am – I get a break. This usually involves finding somewhere quiet to work on homework or write blog posts for you. Lunch is stuck in there somewhere, but this is a productive time frame. Or at least I try for it to be. It works out quite well when I stay at school. I want to set a good example and let all the young’uns see me doing homework, not feeding my Pinterest addiction.

2pm – Cost accounting. You know those people who try to be funny but aren’t? That would be this professor. He makes jokes, but they are obvious, and we all just look at him like he’s a dork. He’s boring. It is the longest 80 minute class of the day. I swear I look at my watch every 2 minutes, wishing the torture was over. I would be like your dad teaching the class and you’re a teenager again. Awkward (must roll eyes, and sound annoyed).
3:30pm – Super awesome! Another break. Again, homework is attempted. I have 2 online classes that I try and take advantage of these breaks to get stuff done. This break is always productive. I try to study for the finance class that I have next.

5:00pm – the hardest and most failed class on college campuses. Financial Management. This class is tough. The professor is funny, which makes the time fly by. I don’t spend the time wishing the class was over. The chairs are so uncomfortable, so after about 20 minutes, everyone starts fidgeting. He should slip in a 7th inning stretch.
6:40pm – headed home for dinner, more homework, and hopefully some down time that doesn’t involve school.

7:30pm I usually take Sadie for a walk on these nights. My brain has been “on” all day, and I usually can’t focus on what I need to do. Homework or not. So the 30 minutes of fresh air, and the subsequent shower, because I’m usually sweaty after walking, running, and playing with the dog.
8:30pm – usually a 2nd shower has commenced. Comfy pj’s (I heart pj's) and it’s homework time.

10pm – 4am. At some point in that range, I will go to bed. I aim for 10, but let’s face it, homework gets in the way, and sometimes you just have to suck it up and go to work tired to get it all crammed in.
Next week you can follow me to work. Learn what an exciting job I have as a bookkeeper/receptionist/secretary/office manager/keeper/babysitter for a custom sheet metal fabrication company.

I know your on the edge of your seat...don't deny it.                                                            

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