The List

The list that started it all:
  1. Graduate college
  2. Buy a house
  3. Go on vacation - somewhere we haven't ever been
  4. Launch a cooking blog
  5. Lose 60 pounds
  6. Sew myself an article of clothing
  7. Make my own ravioli
  8. Bake something with yeast
  9. Go on a girls only weekend
  10. Start a charm bracelet
  11. Get a new accounting job (sqee!!)
  12. Read 5 nonfiction books
  13. Bake 72 different cupcakes/cakes/desserts
  14. Talk to 40 random strangers each year about Scentsy, Grace Adele, or my bookkeeping business
  15. Dye my hair
  16. Do 1 thing that scares the hell out of me (roller coasters, speaking in public, etc.)
  17. Pursue adoption or surrogacy; find a way to start a family
  18. Run in 6 5k's (1 a year until I'm 40)
  19. Have professionally taken pictures
  20. Each year, on my birthday, do 1 random act of kindness. Then on my 40th birthday, I'll do 40 random acts of kindness
  21. Make a quilt
  22. Create 1 meal that uses no ingredients that come from a box, jar or can, make everything from scratch.
  23. Find a church where we fit in and can make a difference.
  24. Sing at a karaoke bar
  25. Go technology free one weekend each month. No cell phones, no internet, no TV.
  26. Plant a vegetable garden
  27. Plant flowers
  28. Build a deck type thingy for Brad's grill and accessories
  29. Volunteer
  30. Sponsor a child through Compassion
  31. Stay at a bed and breakfast
  32. Get a tattoo
  33. Create my own cookbook
  34. Buy a piano and learn to play again
  35. Go white water rafting
  36. Learn how to take pictures with a fancy camera and edit them
  37. Read the bible from beginning to end.
  38. Go to the grocery store and make up a box of groceries and deliver to someone who can use it.
  39. Find something, every single day to be thankful for. Write it down and keep doing it every day until my 40th birthday.
  40. Save every $5 bill that I get for the next 6 years.

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